Peripera at Watsons Singapore | Makeup Stash! Peripera, under Korean brand Clio, can now be found at Watsons Singapore. I recently played with my Peripera press pieces (say that last phrase quickly 1... ... It’s available at the Nex outlet too. It has been here for a few months. glad to see some revi
承諾無添加 ~ REN Skincare | popcorn55 | Qooza Beauty 到了某個境界人就開始反樸歸真了﹗也許比起醫美﹐天然無添加系的產品更是護膚美容的大催勢。因為最近接二連三的爆出化學物質安全問題﹐愛靚都要愛命先得加嘛。今次要介紹的是一個英國品牌REN Clean ski... 護膚 Skincare
Everbluec | Singapore Beauty makeup and skincare blog: Shiseido Ma Cherie Aqua dew energy EX review Hi beautiful and handsome, Welcome to my beauty blog - a place where I randomly blog about beauty, makeup and skincare base on my personal experiences, favourites ... nothing too serious here... Let's just relax and share interests ^_^ (Shifted about 90%
Everbluec | Singapore Beauty makeup and skincare blog: Products and Review Hi beautiful and handsome, Welcome to my beauty blog - a place where I randomly blog about beauty, makeup and skincare base on my personal experiences, favourites ... nothing too serious here... Let's just relax and share interests ^_^ (Shifted about 90%
Johnson Test Papers – pH Indicator Strips | Makeup Stash! After reading about pH level test strips on one of Sesame's blog entries, I couldn't help but seek them out at Watsons. A fun way to test the pH level...
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